Breakfast Cereal

I was watching a YouTube video by a guy who lost a lot of weight in a relatively short amount of time, and he remarked about staying away from the cereal aisle in the grocery store. For a very long time I would take cereal for granted, not think much about my choices. When I started to work on losing some weight myself, getting more of my calories earlier in the day and not much at all in the evenings, I found myself chasing the sweetened-corn dragon more than once at the nearest Food Lion.

Buying one box, finishing it all up, has given way to having two to four boxes on hand and switching it up daily. It has made it easier to try some of the cereal fads like cookie flavors, donut flavors, Chex experiments…but even I can’t brave Cap’n Crunch’s Chocolate Caramel Crunch™. What the hell, sir? Did you get that peg leg from diabetes?